Monday, January 24, 2011

Meet the Little Sisters, Claire and Sylvia, our Ferrets

Most people have dogs, and those that don't have dogs, love cats.
Those that don't have dogs or cats, have birds or fish.
Some families I know have turtles, hedgehogs, snails, crabs, snakes or lizards.

Other friends we have keep a combination of all of the above.

When we get asked if we have pets, and then give our answer, 
"Yes. We have two ferrets,"
we get puzzled looks, then a myriad of questions and comments.

Some of the questions: 
"Don't they bite?"
"Do they smell? 
"Do they make good pets?"

We answer:
Ferrets are like other animals that when they are babies, 
they tend to nip or chew things (sometimes your finger or shoes), 
but they have to be trained NOT to do these things.
Our girls do not bite ('cept occasionally while playing, but most pets do that).
In fact, Claire will lick your hand when you get her out to play, 
as if to say "Hi!" and "Thank you, for getting me out of that cage!"

All animals smell. They have noses, right? Heh. 
Ferrets do have scent glands, but most domesticated ferrets have had them removed,
and you can bathe your ferrets once a month or so.
No one has ever guessed that we had ferrets as pets at the first visit to our home 
(i.e. they don't "smell" them).
They are also like cats, and are self-cleaning.

Ferrets are awesome animals and pets!
Not only are they smart, clean, quiet, curious, and very friendly,
they are HILARIOUSLY fun to watch!

(After meeting the Little Sisters, most of our visitors, especially children, 
want to play with them again and again when they visit).

Some of the comments: 
"I don't know what that is."
"My brother's cousin's sister's friend's teacher's hair dresser had one of those."
"I saw those at the pet store."

More answers:

Today, the Little Sisters
(this is their nickname because my daughters, Miss S and Miss A
are the Big Sisters) are going to share with you their 

by Claire and Sylvia

Hi ladies!

Let us introduce ourselves.
I, Sylvia, the Dark-eyed White on the left, 
will be narrating, because I'm a better speaker than my sister, Claire,
the Chocolate Sable on the right.
Today we waited for our mom to get us out of our house
for a trip to the tub.

Once we were in the tub, I changed my mind and decided I wanted to get out.
I'm a good jumper.

I calmed down as soon as I saw mom about to grab my favorite
shampoo: cucumber-melon.

We waited and waited till the tub filled up.

So we could swim around.

I can't believe I'm letting mom take pictures of us 
while we are nekked in the tub.
Do you mind?

Claire seems to like it, though. Weirdo!

This is the part I hate. Someone SAVE me!

Claire is a suck-up.

After the water disappears down a scary hole in the tub, 
mom throws down a towel.

We dry ourselves off.

Mom is amused, I think.

I'm almost ready to get out now.

Claire goes first.

When we want mom (or anyone else) to pick us up, we climb on their arm.

Mom always gives us lots of hugs and kisses. She's really nice!

Don't I look gaw-gee-us?

Back home for a nap, we're exhausted.

Mom said if y'all (we're Southern ferrets) want us to, 
we'll be back next month, with more Tails, I mean, Tales.

We are at a Pet Party at Miss Debbie Doos house.
Lots of new friends to make!
After our nap, of course.



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