Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our Kitchen Transformation

Well *sigh*, we are finally finished with the kitchen we started back in June!


Here is the before:

And the after:



The wall color is not green, but in some pictures it appears that way. 
It's a mature khaki-yellow.
But, then again, I took these in the afternoon,
since that's when the sun is on the kitchen side of the house, so the color is off.

This project was started a week before my June 15th birthday.
THREE months later (ugh!) it's done!

I put wainscoting wallpaper inside the open cabinets, too.
Click here for the link to the wallpaper at Lowe's Home Improvement.

The kitchen not only got new paint, an Ikea rug, bamboo blinds, beadboard wallpaper,
most importantly to ME, it got a new faucet.

We priced this Delta faucet on Amazon: $178.00
Y'all know me--I'm cheap.
I waited on the Lord to provide either the money or a less-expensive faucet.

Well, when Mark and I went to Williamsburg last month for a get-away before school started,
we found OUR FAUCET at Tuesday Morning for $60.00!!

A month after my birthday, our old fridge gave out!
Not the best timing, as my sisters were visiting.
We kept the groceries cold by putting them in the freezer because it wasn't freezing,
it was only as cold as the refrigerator.

Thankfully, we have an emergency fund (thanks, Dave!) and we purchased a new one.
Paid cash, and saved $200 on it, too.

The scrolly iron piece above the cabinets, was a gift from a friend.
I believe it used to be part of a gate.

and had something in the pile to sell.
I woke up in the middle of the night, thinking about this thing.
Wondering if it just might work.

A dressing wall mirror. Sideways.
Above the counter.
I took it out of the yard sale pile.

And it DID work!
And made the kitchen feel bigger and brighter.
It also gives a whole new meaning to "watching what you are eating".

I found these terracotta fruits in all their 1980's glory at a thrift store for $1.00 each.
Red and yellow, meet cream.

$7 silver yard sale urn.

Coffee station. 
The Pfaltzgraff Heritage pieces came from Good Will.
Sugar container on the left.
I think the container on the right is a butter crock, but the filters fit!

Reminders of my faith.

Bed and Breakfast, anyone?

These platters took EXTRA LARGE holders.
Found them at Hobby Lobby.

My flea market frame.
I cut cardboard/rolled cork to fit.
Button push pins.
I lowered it from its previous height to cover the light switch.

The Graphics Fairy! I love her! Have you been to her blog yet?
You must do that! 

I am a sheep, and Jesus is my Shepherd.

I loved my island and two chairs, before, in RED.
But am enjoying the change to the black and white, too.

Come by for a cup of coffee and a scone???


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