Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Took a Risk (Let's Hope the HOA doesn't Notice)

I painted into the night, so I wouldn't be discovered.
Sneaky is my middle name.
Stealth makeovers are my game.

I made a decorating decision that I hope we don't get fined for...
if investigated, there would be enough evidence to convict me.

Exhibit A
As it has been for 10 years.

Exhibit B 
A washed out Chinese Food Carry Out container paint tray, primer and a roller.

Exhibit C
Painter's Tape on Exhibit A

Exhibit A once again.
Being altered.

Exhibit A now becomes Exhibit D.
"D" for Dull.
Gray Primer can do that sort of thing.

After this phase, I impatiently moped around until the primer dried
waited until the cover of nightfall, and committed the act of lawlessness.

I took my can of paint, snubbed my nose at red-door-lover naysayers
(hey, I've done my time!) and covered it with blue.

By the time the paint had dried in the morning,
it was too late to turn back.
My depravity had reached it's zenith.
The light of day exposed my sin.

Exhibit D had become Exhibit E.
Elegant Entrance.

Exhibit A and Exhibit E.

Now, let me allay your fears.
I am a law-abiding-HOA dues-paying gal.
As of 3 years ago, we are the living-longest-in-the-neighborhood family.
And in fact, the only original residing humans in the subdivision after it was finished.
This gives us grandfather clause rights.
One of them is changing the door color.

Feel better?
Now you can sleep tonight.

Got away with that.
Perhaps, now I can change the doorbell, plant some flowers in the tiered planter, 
and remove the glass storm door, ALL in broad daylight.

I will be putting our house's numbers back
on the column by the door, so the HOA police can find me if they need to.

If you want to read what prompted such a blatant act of defiance, read my post HERE.
The color I chose is Wythe Blue HC-143 by Benjamin Moore.
See it HERE.

For roomfuls of this color, go HERE.

Now, you!
Go paint something.
Break the rules!

Take a Risk Day is today at The Nester's.

Go see:
The Nesting Place
Also partying at Kim's Wow Us Wednesdays

Link up to my current Purge Party HERE.


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