Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In My Living Room

If you came to my home and knocked on the door,
I'd let you in (only if you brought chocolate with you, for me),
and I'd give you a hug (whether you liked it or not).

I'd ask you to take your shoes off,
(cause we just had the carpet cleaned so you'd feel more comfortable)
come on in and have a sit down in my living room
and put your feet up (yes, on the coffee table)!

I'd head into the kitchen and yell to you,
"Would you like a glass of water? Or a cup of coffee? Or tea?
Are you hungry? Want some goldfish or gingersnaps?
I'd offer you some scones, but my husband ate them all."

Then, I'd sit across from you on the sofa so we could look each other in the eye 
(looking each other in both eyes might be a little less creepy, however).
Let's do that, instead.

I'd ask you how you were and what you've been up to.
"I've been busy, too! But, I am so glad it's finally Spring, aren't you?"
I'd listen as you told me all you knew. 
You'd tell me about
things you were planning once summer gets here, 
people and family you'd seen and spent time with,
places you'd found some bargains 
and a restaurant that was yummy and that I should try it.

Then you'd ask how my Weight Watchers plan has been going.
I'd tell you I've lost 5 pounds, and still have 12 pounds to go.

Then, thanking you for the prompting, I'd ask you, 
"Are you hungry again? Where's that chocolate you brought? 
Wanna split it? It's 12:04, lunchtime."

Chocolate is healthy! It's a bean and that's a vegetable, right?
"Okay, let's have a salad, too, then in a bit, m'kay?"

Then I'd tell you all I knew, and at 12:07
I'd ask you how this new season of Spring has been so far.
Have you been busy Spring cleaning?
Thinking about it?
"Me, too."
Too much to do, and not enough daytime to do it in?
"Yeah, I hear ya!"

Those pictures behind the sofa, where were they taken?
I dunno. Um, Paris?
I took them during a stay in Charleston, SC a few years ago as I was walking around.
Have you ever been there? If not, you NEED to go!
It's a relaxed town and it feels like you are stepping back in time."
(But, don't go in July or August because it's too hot.)

Then, I'd ask you what you've been discovering about life lately.
What have you been learning lately from your reactions to situations 
and how's your heart toward your husband or family?

I'd tell you that I have been learning 
that I am not very patient and need to offer more grace more often.

That too many times, I am more selfish than I thought I was.

I'd tell you that I wished I'd remember more often,
the wonder of all that God has done for me, and in so doing, 
I could share His saving truth more with others.

I wish I'd rest in Him, then respond with His heart.

You'd nod as I wished out loud to NOT be too busy 
to give special, regular time to be with Jesus, in His Word.
I wished that I wouldn't allow matters I considered urgent, that demanded my attention, 
like the laundry, the phone, or the cleaning to crowd out my quiet times with Him.

I wonder if you'd agree, and tell me that you struggled with this, too.
We'd admit that Christ cherishes us so much,
that He waits for us, and it warms His heart just to have us look into His face,
just like we were looking into each other's.

Just as delightful as the conversation is between friends,
is the solace we find when we confide in Him.

Taking the time to spend with our Saviour is as simple
as sitting with someone you trust, sharing each tidbit of your life.

As simple as a visit in my living room.

So today, sweet friend, I pray that you will open the door,
invite Christ into your heart and home and welcome Him there to live.

Celebrating Spring Mantels here:
The Stories of A to Z

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