On Day 1 of creation, I am sure that I was being thought of by You, God,
when I awoke this morning to a Southern sky so beautiful and blue.
when I awoke this morning to a Southern sky so beautiful and blue.
( That's not dirt on your screen, I need the maid to clean the window). (P.S. I'm the maid.)
Memories of trips to the oceans You've invented, compel me to praise You for days 2 and 3!
(Edisto Island Beach, South Carolina. June 15th, 2009, Sunrise: 6:48 A.M.)
Lord, when You also made the plants and vegetation on Day 3,
were You thinking of me and how I'd love flowers?
(And did You make cacao trees because You knew I'd love chocolate?)
(Gifts of love from my daughter, Miss A, for my birthday yesterday, June 15th.)
Sunshine to grow my garden by and the moon to walk in the light of with my sweetie:
I am positive that You anticipated that I'd love the effort You made to design Day 4.
(1994 Watercolor titled: "The Moon and Sun Come Out at One" by Miss S, daughter #1.)
I know You remember that Spring day when my girls and I spotted a baby robin
getting flying lessons!

And I know You recall the May day that we watched the tiny, praying mantis babies
hatching on my front porch planter's finial.
Your creativity and imagination stopped me in the aisle at Wal-Mart,
and I had to bring Buster the Betta home.
(When the sun set on Day 5, you were quite pleased with Yourself, weren't You?
You were sure that I'd be pleased with Your gifts for me.)
Each day, I receive so much joy and emit much laughter with these two ferret fuzzies
as entertainment. Okay, Miss A entertains me, too.
Even though she is a teenager.
And even though she's not fuzzy.
When You decided to fashion humans on Day 6, You knew that someday I would need friends.
Were You making sure that I would learn, through them, the definition of love?
I know You remember that Spring day when my girls and I spotted a baby robin
getting flying lessons!
And I know You recall the May day that we watched the tiny, praying mantis babies
hatching on my front porch planter's finial.
Your creativity and imagination stopped me in the aisle at Wal-Mart,
and I had to bring Buster the Betta home.
(When the sun set on Day 5, you were quite pleased with Yourself, weren't You?
You were sure that I'd be pleased with Your gifts for me.)
Each day, I receive so much joy and emit much laughter with these two ferret fuzzies
as entertainment. Okay, Miss A entertains me, too.
Even though she is a teenager.
And even though she's not fuzzy.
When You decided to fashion humans on Day 6, You knew that someday I would need friends.
Were You making sure that I would learn, through them, the definition of love?
They not only extend love to me, they cheer my heart as I journey here.
(My kitchen "Cherish" board.)
When You decided to fashion humans on Day 6, You knew that someday I would need my family.
Were You making sure that I would learn, through them, the definition of grace?
(A note from my amusing mother (yes, she writes backwards!)
When You manufactured everything we'd need for food, You must have figured
I'd be delighted!
I'd be delighted!
On Day 7, You rested. I don't blame you.
All the wonder and design and ingenuity and intelligence You supplied
must have taken some effort.
I wonder, if on Day 7, You sat there thinking about all the ways
that Your achievements would inspire and impress me?
I wonder, if on Day 7, You sat there anticipating my arrival,
and couldn't wait to see the wonder in my eyes as I discovered each new miracle?
I wonder, if on Day 7, You sat there hoping I would one day understand
the care You have shown me through Your provision for me?
Well, I am inspired, impressed, and I understand all You've done for me.
And I am ever so grateful for those 7 Days.
I am at Amada's for her Weekend Bloggy Reading Link-Up Partay! Go HERE.
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