Sunday, March 6, 2011

Closet PURGE + Redesign and PURGE PARTY {1}

Hello! Welcome to my first Purge Party!
To read more about it click here.

I am excited to be a part of your lives and as we all
encourage one another to let go of things
and stop placing so much meaning on the acquiring of STUFF.
And start thinking of our homes as havens, not catch-alls.

Places of ministry, hope and life.

Let's shed those things that hinder our effectiveness.
Let's shed excess acquisitions as well as attitudes 
that are no longer promoting peace in our homes!

We can learn new ideas about simplicity from each other,
and this is what I am excited about!

For those of you that still trying to figure out what a Purge Party is, I have a room to share with you that will give you an idea of what a PURGE can do! And what kind of party this is!


I had the pleasure of helping a client who had just become an "empty-nester" when her son left for Iraq and Afghanistan. She wanted to turn his room into her Painting Studioand use the left closet for her art suppliesShe is also a backpacker/hiker. The right closet was made into a space for her to conveniently store her equipment and supplies for hiking. (I worked with her to redesign and organize the whole room, but for now, we'll just look at the closets.)

Here is the left closet.
Her son left quite a bit here.
She donated his clothing that was too small,
 and boxed up the rest and put it in storage for when he comes home.

The old shelf and rod were removed and a Closet Maid System installed.
Labelled shoe boxes keep her supplies sorted and at-hand.
Here's what purging and organizing did for this space.

 This is the right closet in the same bedroom.

There is a lot of poorly-utilized space here.

A Closet Maid System was installed in this side, too.
Her gear (clothing, food, inclement weather gear) was sorted into bins and labelled.

The cream linen items (not in bins) are her brochure/campsite info bin and her tent.

She kept what she needed and had 7 lawn/garden sized bags of STUFF that were removed!

This room was reclaimed as space for her to now take up hobbies she enjoys.
And painting and hiking are much more enjoyable when she can find what she needs easily.


These closets are just an example.
You may have a drawer or a basket, a shed or a cupboard that you can simplify.

We are not only transforming our homes as we make them,
our hearts and outlooks are transformed, as well.
Please share those stories, too!

The rules for this party are quite simple:

1.) Your post has to be about releasing extra clutter of the home (i.e. too many options, too many things, too many piles) or shedding extra clutter of the heart (i.e. overwhelm, weariness, disappointment, resentment).
If you find that your link is gone, it's not because I don't love it, it's because your post didn't follow rule #1. I'm sorry!  
2.) Link directly to the post that pertains, not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Wednesday at midnight EST.
4.) I will choose my favorite(s) and feature them next Monday!

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