Sunday, March 13, 2011


I found so much inspiration last week from you all! 

Wendy from Relatively Unique decided to categorize her magazines into three piles.

From her "KEEP" pile magazines, she tore out all the inspiration pages 
and put those along with her home's paint chips and a list of items needed into a folder 
that fits in her purse so she can refer to it while out and about.
She recycled the "leftovers".

Pat from Corn in my Coffee Pot took the "guts" out of her entertainment center,
decided she'd wasted a fortune on video tapes,

and then only keep what she needed. 
Ah, peace!


Paula from Serendipity purged the carpet and padding from the dining room 
in her 140 year old home.

After sanding, and scraping and crying and praying, 
here's what happened to the floor.

A big kudos to Tara of Scarborough Seashells! She shared her craft space with us.

She worked ever so hard to make it a place where she can create for her etsy shop.

I loved all of your ideas and could have featured them all, 
so please don't be sad if I didn't feature yours!
You still rock!

I am excited to be a part of your lives and as we all
encourage one another to let go of things
and stop placing so much meaning on the acquiring of STUFF.
And start thinking of our homes as havens, not catch-alls.

Places of ministry, hope and life.

Let's shed those things that hinder our effectiveness.
Let's shed excess acquisitions as well as attitudes 
that are no longer promoting peace in our homes!

We can learn new ideas about simplicity from each other,
and this is what I am excited about!

We are not only transforming our homes as we make them,
our hearts and outlooks are transformed, as well.
Please share those stories, too!

The rules for this party are quite simple:

1.) Your post has to be about releasing extra clutter of the home (i.e. too many options, too many things, too many piles) or shedding extra clutter of the heart (i.e. overwhelm, weariness, disappointment, resentment).
If you find that your link is gone, it's not because I don't love it, it's because your post didn't follow rule #1. I'm sorry!  
2.) Link directly to the post that pertains, not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Thursday, March 17th at midnight EST.
4.) I will choose my favorite(s) and feature them next Monday!

So, link up and inspire us!!

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