Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Birthday for Beefcake :: 46 Reasons I am Glad He's Mine

HAPPY 46th BIRTHDAY, my love!

I have thought of 46, though I am sure there are 4,600 more,
reasons I am glad my beefcake is mine:

1. He's handsome.

(In college right before we met.)

2. He's extremely intelligent. (He picked me, didn't he?)

3. He makes me laugh.

4. He is trustworthy.

5. His heart is tender, and he can cry in a manly way.

6. I love watching him worship, it makes my heart rejoice!

7. I love how he loves our daughters. He is protective and involved.
(However, our daughters call it "lecturing".)

8. He always dresses nicely and smells good.

9. When he says he's gonna do something, he does.

10. He calls his sisters and his mom regularly.

11. He thinks I'm cute and tells me this, often.
(Then again, he wears glasses to see things up close.)

12. He is my biggest encourager, but can correct me in a loving, gentle way.

13. He still brings me flowers for "no reason".

14. He prays for me and with me, always guiding me to the Truth.

15. He's married me three times. We've renewed our vows twice!

16. When I need something, he willingly provides it.

17. He forgives me if I don't have all the laundry washed and put away.

18. He forgives me if we have cereal for dinner.

19. When something is on his Honey Do list, he does it!!!! (Really!)

20. He manages our finances, keeps us debt-free, and makes sure we are saving for the future. He also has a passion for others to be debt-free.

(As a Financial Peace University Co-ordinator, 
here he presents a Certificate of Completion to an FPU class participant, in our living room).

21. He keeps himself fit, eats right and encourages me to do the same,
so we can have a long life together.

so I can cherish our wedding day when I look at my gown.
(Also, so our girls, if they choose, can wear it.)

23. He loves talking and dreaming about life with me.

24. He picks up after himself!

25. When he makes a mistake, he admits it and repents.
(This speaks volumes to my heart, and has taught me about grace.)

26. His childhood was not easy, he had no father around.
Yet, he reads all he can get his hands on, or will go to small groups with me,
to learn about being a great parent.
He takes our girls on Daddy-Daughter Dates.

(On a date with her daddy: A makeover for Miss A.)

(On a date with her daddy: Enjoying a regional piano recital with Miss S.)

27. Memories of our times together are most important to him.
He preserves them in DVDs and Slideshows, adding music and narration.

28. He respects me as a person. R - E - S - P - E - C - T! (You know you wanna sing it!)

29. He is a man of courage. My protector. My warrior.
He does not shrink from Satan when we are attacked.
Rather, he, through God's strength, stands and fights.

30. He talks to me about his work
(And uses small words and short syllables, so I can understand it.)

31. When my heart hurts, he knows, even when I say nothing.
And he listens to my hurt and comforts me, without trying to "fix" me.

32. He tolerates my creative nature. (A.K.A. piles of this and that.)

33. He kisses me goodbye every morning when he leaves for work,
and kisses me hello every day when he comes home.

34. He loves our neighbors and his co-workers and prays for them.

35. He celebrates life!
He reminds me of what Jesus said, when I feel hopeless and need reminding:
John 10b: "I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly."

36. He is musically gifted!
He plays the keyboard in our Worship Band.
He could probably also play any instrument he wanted to.

(Mark in background, at his Yamaha.)

37. I love his laugh!

38. He can do a  talk-through of a computer problem over the phone- and always solve it.

40. He listens to me ramble about this and that about decorating, 
paint color, moving stuff around.
(He even acts half-interested!)

41. When he and I _________________, and__________________,________.
(I can't put reason 41. on my family-friendly blog.)

42. Travelling is one of his loves, and takes me with him.
I love exploring strange and wonderful new places with him.
He makes vacations FUN!

(Disney Cruise-we were crowned King and Queen of Karaoke-here we are singing Love Shack)

43. He calls me every afternoon when he is taking a break to walk around outside
by the lake near his office.

44. I love his brown teddy bear eyes!

45. He takes care of our yard.

The last, but biggest reason I'm glad he's mine is:

46. I would not be who I am or who I am becoming without his steady influence in my life.

(Last year's birthday, reading cards before cake.)

I am so glad God made you, my forever love.

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