Thursday, September 23, 2010

THE CHRYSALIS (Part 2 of 2) :: My Encounter with Depression

Chrysalis -  noun
(Latin) Chrysallid-,

A protective covering while undergoing metamorphosis: a stage of being or growth.

Metamorphosis - 
(Greek) To transform;

A marked change in appearance, character, condition or function.

Through some kinds words of healing from a friend,
I learned that struggles are normal
how to forgive myself 
and that depression precedes change.

I have an enemy that hates me, but his killing, stealing and destroying has been overcome
by Jesus' love on the cross and victory over the tomb!!

One afternoon, shortly after 
The Great Healing of the Darkness of My Soul began,
our family went to our city's Planetarium/Science Center.

There, in the Butterfly Garden, God spoke to me about my ordeal,
while a crowd of people gathered to watch a butterfly emerging from it's cocoon.

I was so moved by it, I wrote about it.


Watching in amazement,
some gazing with disgust
as that creature
who by her own power
crawls into a place of isolation.

Never knowing she was spinning
threads of pain,
threads of doubt,
threads of unforgiveness.

Around and around she goes
being sure to keep those strands taut, strong.
The only protection for her fragile soul.
The only thing keeping her world still.

Only knowing that darkness and passage of time
hold no relief from it,
And passage of time serves no purpose.
Unaware that she is a victim
of her own chrysalis.

Hanging now,
by a single strand of hope.
All the while, an unseen power transforms her.

Releasing her soul
to become new.
Every broken part
being replaced
with joy
being replaced with love
being replaced with peace.

Where she thought was a hiding place
had become her healing place.

So, now,
unaware of the audience fascinated by her ordeal,
she ever so quietly,
wrestles herself from her self-made cocoon.

Not knowing why she is born this way.

Seeing the light, she is blinded by its intensity,
yet captivated
by the wonders awaiting her.

And she is coaxed by one within the crowd,
by One whose cocoon is long empty
to emerge from her pain,
release her past
and embrace the Sun.

As she unfurls her wings for flight,
she instinctively knows
her destination
and effortlessly glides on winds unseen,
toward the Garden,
as the crowd looks on.

~LeslieAnn 2001

All these gorgeous photos of butterflies were taken by my friend, 

I am honored that she would let me share them with you!

Her photographs captured my eyes and heart! 
She sees things in her lens of life that leave me speechless.
If you love photography, you will love her blog!

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