Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Things My Relevant Roomies and You Should Know

What is a Relevant Roomie?

A blessed woman of God who gets to cram into a hotel room for 3 days, 3 nights 
with a few other blessed women that she may or may not have met yet, 
in Harrisburg, PA in October, the 21st-24th, 
for a blogging conference for Christian women writers

Look over to the far right, on my blog, above my head.
See the Relevant Button above my head?
Go check it out!

My poor extremely lucky Roomies are:

I have never met these gals in person, but, I like new people, 
so it's all good!
I am excited to learn and laugh together with all the Attendees!

If you are going to Relevant, and if you'd like to get to know some of the other ladies, write a Top 10 Things My Relevant Roomies Should Know About Me post,
and link up your post at these Roomies' blogs:

So here goes, I hope you still like me once you really know me!

I don't follow the rules: Like a TOP 10 things list, I'd rather torture you with a 50 TOP Things list.
I like to hear myself type.
I was born in Milwaukee, WI. Grew up in Jacksonville, FL, and ended up here in Greenville, SC.
South Carolina is home, and I am Southern, and you can't tell me any differently. 
I love grits. And dark chocolate. But not together, though I might try that.
I don’t like shellfish (seafood). I wish I did. I do love Tuna and Salmon.
I love hugs, and you will get one whether you like it or not.
I am open to new ideas or criticism. 

I love strangers, because I am a stranger here, or is that because there is no one stranger, here? 
I drive fast. I’m working on that. Sort of.

I love a good hymn. “How Great Thou Art” and “It is Well with My Soul” are my favorites.
I’ve attempted to learn 3 different languages (Latin, Spanish and French). I only remember one: English.
I think public school teachers are the biggest unsung heroes in America. My sister is one of them.
Hydrangeas are my favorite flower. I am thankful that they can be dried and last all year.
I really do love people-and ask all sorts of questions because I truly am interested.
Popcorn is my favorite food.
Sometimes, I say bad words. Especially if I get scared (like almost driving off the road or something like that).
We have homeschooled our daughters for 11 years, combined, so far.
I've moved 23 times in my life. Literally.

I don't drink soda.
I don't color my hair, use perfume or use hair spray. Don't like the chemicals, they make me sneeze!
When I was a child I had a cat named Doorbell.
If you need something, and I have it, I will give it to you, if the Spirit so leads me.
My favorite color is red.
I usually try to order something different every time I go out to eat.
I pluck my eyebrows regularly.
Everything in our household gets paid for with cash. (Or found on the side of the road).
The Relevant Conference is something I have been looking forward to since they announced it in the Spring!
I have been looking forward to meeting my Relevant Roomies since Summer!
I hate dusting and vacuuming and avoid it with a passion. So, I make my daughters do it.

I have peanut butter and jelly on toast almost every morning for breakfast.
Laughter heals EVERYTHING. And I do it often, and loudly.
I sing in our Praise Band at church. The band's name? The Below Average White Band!
I’m lovingly competitive.
My life is an open book. I don't have anything to hide because I am not ashamed because I have been given much grace. Go ahead, ask me anything, I will answer you.
I don’t remember the names of or the plots of most of the movies I have watched in my lifetime.
I will break out in song at the very mention of something that prompts a remembrance of said song. 
I can do a mean ELMO imitation. (Elmo loves you! And his crayons and Dorothy and Mr. Noodle!)
I do a mean sheep imitation, too, but that is reserved for Easter.

I take Synthroid, a hypo-thyroid medication every morning.
I have expensive taste. Unfortunately, I usually can’t act on it. But, I can occasionally replicate it.
My favorite book of the Bible is Proverbs.
I got saved on August 1, 1990. My real Birthday.
I’m good at starting things. I’m horrible at finishing things, but usually do.
I’m a very good cook and I love to bake.
I get exceptionally crabby when I’m tired.
I am a birth mom.
I love all of you, my follower friends and readers and I pray for you regularly.
I don’t like to exercise. Hate, NO, loathe it, but do it anyway. I call the elliptical the elliptiKILLER, and the treadmill the DREADmill.

I don't smoke or drink, but did enough of that when I was in my late teens, early 20's.
I don’t worry too much about what other people think about me.
Coffee is my best friend in the morning. Do not talk to me until the cup is empty.
I love the sun. My skin doesn’t, so I stay out of it.
Practical jokes? If you DON'T get one played on you by me, I DON'T like you very much.
I am not afraid of spiders, bees, wasps or snakes, but don't want one as a pet or anything.
Don't think I snore.
I am an etsy, eBay, Amazon and Craigslist seller, and oddly enough, there is still a lot of stuff in our house!
The love of my life is Jesus. He restored my hope, gave me grace and eternal life, how can I NOT love him?

Are you still here?

Now, tell me some things interesting about YOU!!!

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